Sunday 7 June 2009

Who are the Indian majority?

The results are out and the failed government is back in power. This is the outcome of 60% of eligible voters who have voted (fact). And in that I'm sure around 80% are uneducated lot and the minorities. This is the vote bank of the ruling party - the Congress.
Indian politics is totally based on religion and caste. The Congress party, left wing by nature, is always praised by the Indian media as the most secular party but infact they are the pseudo-secularists who just appease their vote bank - the minorities. Have u noticed the biased nature of Indian media? We wont, because we (i assume, we are the educated, progressive Indians) dont analyse things properly. Now that this party is in power, be prepared to see more reservations for the minorities (as done before).

What happened to BJP then? Why the right wing party which takes pride in 'majority' did not win the elections? Below are the reasons I think:
1. Thanks to Indian media who is constantly tainting BJP's image as a extremist Hindu party and brainwashing the few educated lot (esp young generation) who voted to vote for congress.
2. Most of ppl in 'majority' did not vote either because they are the losers who are not proud of a party taking pride in them, or they at distant place from their voting town (mostly outside of the country), or they just dont care about the government because they dont understand 'how it works'. 3. BJP, unlike congress, do not know how to win the elections. They do not do this because it is against their ideologies. In India the election is just a one day match and is not a term examination. I must admit that the Congress did well in winning the game through a very good strategy and ofcourse by the support of the media.

Who are the majorities? The hindus.
Who are these minorities?

The Muslims have invaded our present-India long back and have spread and rooted themselves all over the country. When we gained independence we resolved to form this nation India on the lines of secularism and regilious tolerance (I wonder why pakistan did not do so!). Its now our duty to be committed to it. But are the minorities committed for it? Are they practising it?
Why is it normal for a Muslim to say khuda hafiz, inshah allah, allah, etc in every sentence while talking to everyone? why are they so conservative about their religion? Why the government gives subsidy and other facilities when they are traveling to Haj? Why are they not part of our country's defence?...forget that, why are they involved in terror activities in India? In a country like U.K, they are proposing to the govt to implement sharia law!! Why is that anyone gets converted from muslim to any other faith will mostly get killed? Why are not they convinced that many fundamentals of their religion does not fit in the modern world? Why dont they embrace family planning as a necessity and not evade it in name of their religion?
Why the Christian missionaries convert people to their religion in favour of money? Why not they liberate the down-trodden hindu people without asking them to get converted to their faith? I must admit the down-trodden lot are victims of caste based hindu society.
Why Sikhs are so conservative about their religion?

Why the Indian media presents biased news to the people. Its so clear that they are bought out by Congress. Why is that they always criticize godhra mob attacks and not the godhra train attack? If any shivsena or bajrang dal functions, their acts are of 'hindu terrorism' but the acts of terror attacks in many cities are not by 'muslim terrorists' - they are just by terrorists. Why dont they show and highlight the efforts of RSS volunteers helping out the victims of natural and accidental disasters? They are always quick to condemn any hindu wing policing the public.

Looking at above things, as a hindu person am i wrong in favouring a nationalist party like BJP, which favours my own religion, for my own survival? I belonging to the 'majority' does not mean that I'm some kind of a fanatic. I'm committed to secularism but looking at the above facts of minorities and also the fact that the Congress is their appeaser, I have no choice but to resort to BJP until i find a true secular party willing to govern rationally and transparently.

I'd like to see a day when every hindu understands this and brings a progressive party to the rule. As a majority Hindus should take the first step to grow out of the discrimination among themselves on basis of caste, and then between religions. Only then we'll be able to form a party which is progressive and tolerant towards all, including minorities, and then think of electing competent poeple to govern the country. The religion, caste etc are man-made rules for survival in a huge population. When will people understand this? when will they be 'educated'? Esp. the minorities!!

I think India will only improve:
When there wont be any words called majority and minority,
When media is unbiased and delivers only facts and not opinions,
When the educated lot think of 'nation-building' and know the difference between money and wealth.
When all the people are educated and "educated".
When the population growth rate is declining.

Democracy, whose virtue is freedom, is fit only for educated people.
My personal belief is that a developing nation does not require democracy but requires a able nationalist dictator (Hitler) or a communist government (China) but ofcourse this comes at the cost of freedom. And once the nation is developed, it should be democratic.

1 comment:

  1. Even though hindus are in majority , they themselves are so much divided into caste that it makes muslims ,chritians or Sikh their vote banks.
